Comparison: Boot space (rear seats folded, bottom to roof) DS Automobiles DS 7 vs. competitors 2025

DS Automobiles DS 7 - How has the boot space (rear seats folded, bottom to roof) changed over the generations?

DS Automobiles DS 7 generations

(Boot space (rear seats folded, bottom to roof))
The boot space (rear seats folded, bottom to roof) of the current generation of DS 7 is 1750 l.

The boot space (rear seats folded, bottom to roof) compared to other DS Automobiles models

DS Automobiles DS 7 vs other current cars by DS Automobiles

(Boot space (rear seats folded, bottom to roof))
1. DS 3 1050 l
3. DS 4 1240 l
4. DS 7 1750 l
5. N°8 1873 l

How does the boot space (rear seats folded, bottom to roof) of the DS Automobiles DS 7 compare to it's nearest competitors?

DS Automobiles DS 7 vs. similar cars

(Boot space (rear seats folded, bottom to roof))

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