Comparison: width Maxus Deliver 9 vs. competitors 2025

Car width refers to the measurement of the distance between the two sides of the Maxus Deliver 9 taken at the widest point This measurement can be important for a variety of reasons, such as determining whether a car will fit in a particular parking space or garage, or whether it can safely navigate narrow roads or tunnels.Usually, the mirrors are not included in the measurement unless otherwise stated.With it's height of 2535 mm and length of 5940 mm, the Maxus Deliver 9 has a width of 2062 mm. It's the widest amongst similar cars in the " transporter" category - Elaris Caro (2040 mm),Maxus eDeliver 7 Kastenwagen L1 (77 kWh) (2030 mm) or Toyota Proace Max Kastenwagen L2H1 33 2.2 D (2050 mm).

Maxus Deliver 9 - How has the width changed over the generations?

The width of the current generation of Deliver 9 is 2062 mm.


Maxus Deliver 9 variants: Deliver 9 {VAN} vs. eDeliver 9 {VAN}

Width: Maxus Deliver 9 variants
Variant nameWidth
Deliver 9 {VAN}2062 mm
eDeliver 9 {VAN}2062 mm

The width compared to other Maxus models

How does the width of the Maxus Deliver 9 compare to it's nearest competitors?

Maxus Deliver 9 vs. similar cars

Width: Maxus Deliver 9 vs. similar cars
Car modelWidth
Maxus Deliver 9 20202062 mm
ARI Motors 1710 20242060 mm
Toyota Proace Max 20242050 mm
Elaris Caro 20232040 mm
Maxus Deliver 7 20242030 mm
Opel Zafira Life 20192010 mm
Citroen Holidays 20242010 mm
Maxus EV80 20201998 mm
Jaguar E-Pace 20181984 mm
Nissan NV300 20161956 mm
Fiat Talento 20161956 mm
Nissan Patrol 20001930 mm
Ford Edge 20161928 mm
Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse 20141928 mm
Mercedes-Benz X-Klasse 20171920 mm
Peugeot Traveller 20161920 mm
Citroen Spacetourer 20161920 mm
Toyota Proace 20161920 mm
Opel Arena 19981905 mm
Mercedes-Benz T-Klasse 20221859 mm
Renault Alaskan 20171850 mm
Toyota Proace City 20201848 mm
Lancia Thesis 20021830 mm
Nissan NV250 20191829 mm
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 20021822 mm
Fiat Fullback 20161815 mm
KIA Pregio 19981810 mm
Skoda Scala 20191793 mm
Fiat Tipo 20161792 mm
Maxus Deliver 3 20201780 mm

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