Comparison: width Maxus Euniq 5 vs. competitors 2025

Car width refers to the measurement of the distance between the two sides of the Maxus Euniq 5 taken at the widest point This measurement can be important for a variety of reasons, such as determining whether a car will fit in a particular parking space or garage, or whether it can safely navigate narrow roads or tunnels.Usually, the mirrors are not included in the measurement unless otherwise stated.With it's height of 1800 mm and length of 4825 mm, the Maxus Euniq 5 has a width of 1825 mm. The widest car you can find in the " van" category is Chevrolet Astro Van ( ), which is 385mm wider than the Euniq 5 - 2210 mm.For illustration, the difference in length between the Maxus and the Chevrolet is 14mm in favor of the Chevrolet. On the contrary, the narrowest in the same category is Daihatsu YRV 1.3 , which is 1620 mm - that makes it 205mm narrower than the Maxus in question. Length-wise, the Maxus outperforms the Daihatsu by 1060mm.

Maxus Euniq 5 - How has the width changed over the generations?

The width of the current generation of Euniq 5 is 1825 mm.

The width compared to other Maxus models

How does the width of the Maxus Euniq 5 compare to it's nearest competitors?

Maxus Euniq 5 vs. similar cars

Width: Maxus Euniq 5 vs. similar cars
Car modelWidth
Chevrolet Astro 19952210 mm
Opel Zafira Life 20192010 mm
Citroen Jumper 19971998 mm
VW Nutzfahrzeuge ID. Buzz 20221985 mm
Ford Windstar 19951944 mm
Mercedes-Benz R-Klasse 20051922 mm
Elaris Lenn 20241900 mm
Lexus LM 20231890 mm
Ford S-MAX 20061884 mm
Dodge Journey 20081878 mm
Lancia Phedra 20021863 mm
Peugeot 807 20021854 mm
Citroen C8 20021850 mm
Chevrolet Trans Sport 19961847 mm
Fiat Ulysse 19991834 mm
Lancia Zeta 19951832 mm
Opel Sintra 19961830 mm
Citroen C4 Picasso 20071829 mm
Maxus Euniq 5 20231825 mm
VW Sharan 20001810 mm
Renault Espace 20001810 mm
Ford Galaxy 20001810 mm
Mitsubishi Grandis 20041795 mm
Honda Shuttle 19951790 mm
Dacia Jogger 20221784 mm
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 20051777 mm
Toyota Prius+ 20121775 mm
Mitsubishi Space Wagon 19981775 mm
Hyundai Matrix 20011740 mm
Daihatsu YRV 20011620 mm

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